
I seem to wander a lot...

But wandering is lots of fun. Today was much nicer...the temperature rose to a brisk 8˚C and the sun was feeling a little less timid! The nicer the day, the better the adventure. Today's adventures were Budapest's awesome market halls. Just on the other side of József boulevard is Rákóczi (I think that's the right name, that's the name of the square right next to it) market. Clumsily, due to my current lack of Hungarian language skills, I bought some bananas, an orange, and a quarter of a huge loaf of bread. Tasty! Continuing my journey brought me to the largest market hall in Budapest, Nagyvásárcsarnok. Awesome. It's huge. The first floor stalls were filled with produce, delis, bakeries, even a fish market that had a tank of HUGE catfish. Upstairs the stands were full of trinkets, t-shirts, little restaurants and locals relaxing.

Exploring winding streets eventually led me home. I'm starting to get my bearings straight. Shop windows offer glimpses into the lifestyle of Budapest. Old men inspect glimmering Rolex watches, their female counterparts carry bags of groceries home, bundled up against the cold. The younger crowd drolls at windows filled with the latest mobile phones. The busy stop in the numerous greasy gyros stops, or the McDonalds or Burger Kings that plague the city. The relaxed hit up the bars for pilsner. Did I mention that Hungarians smoke non-stop. In the streets, waiting for the tram, in the restaurant before, during and after food. Public dog crap seems to also be accepted. Cigarette buts and dog crap are two of common sidewalk sights. Watch your step!

In the evening Boris invited me to met up with some of his fellow students for coffee. They're finishing up their semester and almost done with exams. Their Univeristy (Economics) is close by, and housed in a old palace. Plush. We headed down to a cool basement cafe and had Vienna style coffee (served with sparkiling water, of course, i was informed. If it's not served with mineral water, it's not real Vienna). Really tasty. Finished off the night by exploring the stuff closet in the aparment. Found some cool stuff...I'm gathering one of the old tennants was a DJ. Fun fun fun.

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