
Busy Engineers

Ahh, I'm having trouble finding the time to be online. Things are picking up over here. School is getting busy, and we're getting cracking on our research project. Production Engineering is becoming very interesting; we're learning about industrial robotics in manufacturing, and are programming a training robot.
Here is a training Robot, running off an old Dos machine with about a Megabyte of RAM. It was made by some of the university students as a PHD project some 10 or 15 years ago. This is what we're starting out programming.
Look at this bad boy go. This was top of the line in the late 1980s, built by the current cell phone company NOKIA. They did some automated workpiece placement research on this setup in the early 90's, and now it's also for student training.
Here is our lab space at the University. There's a Microprocessor which we are learning to program for a Ultrasonic Distance Sensor. Not too complicated, but we have to learn lots of C quick. We're using the Oscilloscope to look for interference if multiple US sensors are operating at once.
After school we hurried to buy tickets for a quick trip to Vienna on Sunday and Monday (Easter Holiday on Monday!).
And of course sometimes we relax for a late lunch break.

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